Acutely, Deeply, Pleasurable!
<br /> Is it any wonder how painful it can be when I finally release him from his penis shackle! <br /> Yet the pain he receives is so utterly pleasurable! It makes no sense to my dear gentleman <br /> as he endures intense discomfort. As I release the lock, the moment it pops open, there's <br /> torment, as he endures the most intense and painful tease. It'll have you wincing! <br /> Having eased out his throbbing and very erect penis while my slave remains bound <br /> in tight leather, I remind him of how effective my glossy crimson nails are, as I tease <br /> him continually up and down his hard shaft. Spitting on it, teasing his knob with my <br /> then clamping his penis with the ultimate device in Cock torment . . . . <br /> Kali's Teeth! <br /> It's a continual tease and torment for my leather clad slave, while his legs, arms, <br /> want to. It's a psychological battle between his brain that keeps telling him he is <br /> in severe pain, and his penis that keeps telling him quite the opposite! <br /> Are you a masochist? <br /> If you're looking to try something different, stepping out of the vanilla world can <br /> be rather daunting, yet incredibly exciting. A little kink will go a long way, it <br /> stimulates the mind, thus the muscle between one's thighs! It's a decadent world <br /> of creative brilliance, I will never tire from it, and I'm sure you won't either! <br /> Now, are you ready, as I want you to be fully prepared, that meansretrieving <br /> and washing pegs. They make great substitues for my Kalis Teeth! <br /> As soon as you see me attaching the Kalis Teeth to my husband's penis, <br /> File Size : 921 МБ