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Office Seductress, it's Pure Erotica


<br /> Description: What delights will I have for my gentleman! <br /> A brisk walk across the grounds with my hounds at 5.30am with a hot cup of mud to <br /> wet my throat. Oh yes, it's early, and it's the best way for me to get the most out of the day. <br /> Our British weather created quite a mess through the night, as the high winds <br /> swept through the tall majestic trees, leaving a trail of debris as far as the eye can see! <br /> Rustic leaves provide a thick blanket across the lush mowed lawns, with a sea of rich <br /> autumnal shades, caramel, ginger, honey, gold, copper, chestnut, and cherry apple. <br /> broken twigs and branches. I spot a glossy deep mahogany conker wedged into the ground. <br /> WOW, I thought my slave had collected every single conker, in fact, his knees wear the <br /> grazes with pride from crawling around for hours and hours! Well, I do have such fond <br /> memories of those conker fighting days back at school, that I just can't help getting a little <br /> excited every time I spot one! They're such a beautiful rich colour, and for me they <br /> are the epitome of our Autumn season! I've certainly collected quite a few now! <br /> I love this time of year, even though Autumn signifies the beginning of hibernation, <br /> and pretty soon, the landscapes are bare from the lush greens we've been used to <br /> during our spring and summer seasons. It's also the beginning of leaving behind those <br /> long day light hours, and by 5pm the sun has set, and night time begins. Another couple of <br /> weeks and we'll have that one night of receiving that previous hour of sleep, ha who am <br /> I trying to kid?!!! Not a chance for me! I never benefit from that extra hour!!! <br /> Now, I know you're just itching for me to get straight into my next movie. Well, you <br /> can wait a little longer! I hope you realise by now, patience is a virtue, and the longer one <br /> waits, the more enticing it becomes! Mmm . . . . I hope you don't have ants in your pants, <br /> I should put you over my knee for a thoroughly good hand spanking. Thwack! <br /> I'm sure you will appreciate hobson has certainly received his fair share of punishments <br /> of late, and I can bet your bottom dollar, he'll be receiving more. However, today, I thought <br /> I would have him bound to my 2 meter diameter wheel. I've left him wearing his suit. Gosh <br /> I want you to imagine, actually visualise you are my husband, and I've sent you off <br /> to work for the day, so you may earn your keep. Every evening you return to me! <br /> as you dare not remove it, not even to slacken it off. In fact, you do not unfasten your top <br /> the feeling of being permanently collared, and you wear it with pride! What a lovely <br /> When you return, you know I will always be dressed in a most sexy leather <br /> corset, with your favourite fully fashioned nylon seamed stockings, thigh leather <br /> Yet, every evening, you don't have a clue what I have in store for you, and you're <br /> about to find out! This is it, you've returned home, and now I take you by the collar, <br /> blindfold you and take you down to my hidden candlelit lair. I strap you to the wheel. <br /> Oh my, your smile masks your anxiety, that rush of adrenaline, heart pounding, <br /> pulse racing. I'm ready to tell you a secret, I'm ready to let you into what goes on <br /> inside my Manor, situated in the heart of the English countryside! <br /> File Size : 958 МБ