Previously in the day, Sorority Sisters from Alpha Beta Spanka Misty and Stevie were told by their Sororitys HouseMom Lily to pull their pants down and bend over the couch for a bare bottom belting and they decided they were not going to cooperate, and when she tried to make them, they held her down and spanked HER a couple of times, telling her she would never spank them again. Later on, HouseMom Lily walks out on the phone in the process of cancelling the surprise Sorority trip to Hawaii she had planned for the Alpha Beta Spankos. The girls are suddenly VERY sorry and offer to accept an embarrassing pants down over the knee spanking and belt whipping if they can get the trip back for the house, which Lily says she will think about but their spanking offer is accepted. Misty is told she is first for holding her Mom down for a belting from Stevie. Misty is taken over the knee, her pants and little panties are STRIPPED OFF, leaving her LILY WHITE bottom bare as her Mom beats it with her hand til she is crying. Mom is not sorry, however, and continues to blister this immature Sorority girls bare butt til she is squirming and howling and promising to be a GOOD ALPHA BETA SPANKO! Then comes Stevie's turn and both girls are left howling with bare butts, hoping they have saved their houses trip to Hawaii!