Alysha's Whore Bus - 09/29/2014
We bought an RV a few months ago, but we haven't really had a chance to use it too much. We took it to Bike Week in Daytona back in March, but I was itching to do a real road trip in it. Adam surprised me with a trip to the middle of nowhere... lol. He told me we were heading west to a 3 day concert called Rocklahoma. But, I was determined to put my own spin on the weekend... so I renamed it: Cocklahoma! I had a lot of fun there, as you'll see in a coming update, but I had even more fun on the road. I met this guy while travelling down the interstate. He started flirting with me, so I decided to give him a little more than he bargained for, right in Alysha's Whore Bus!