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Sandy Interview


Sandy (AKA Zsanett Egerhazy) Interview - 23/2/2006 Essex – Rude Boy – 1,914 words.Can you still remember your first ever shoot? How did you feel?“Sure, I don’t think I’ll ever forget that one! I was twenty years old but I’m not going to tell you what year it was (Laughing). It was in Spain with Viv Thomas who was the first photographer to shoot me naked. I was a little shy but the whole atmosphere was very friendly, all the girls were running around naked, it wasn’t just me, there were five or six other girls there. It was cool, it was fun.”You started as a fashion model didn’t you?“Yes I did fashion modelling back in Hungary and also in London and Milan.”It’s surely a huge transition from being a fashion model to shooting adult style sets. “As a model it wasn’t a difficult thing for me to pose in front of the camera. It was easier for me, because I’d done fashion modelling before, than for girls who’d never shot before at all.”So when you started did you ever think you would achieve so much?“I never thought about that. At that time I had no idea how far a model could go in the industry. I just enjoyed modelling and I wasn’t thinking about becoming a big name or anything like that, I just did my best and fortunately people liked me (Smiles).”I’m sure everyone knows that Sandy isn’t your real name so how did you decide on the stagename “Sandy?”“My real name is Zsanett. I like both names but “Sandy” came from my first ever shoot in Spain. There was a girl there, Belinda, and when we had to fill out the contract paperwork we had to come up with a stagename and I had no idea what sort of name to use so Belinda said, “You look like a Sandy” and I used the same stagename ever since so I got used to it.Are you comfortable with being referred to as a “Porn Star?” Or would you prefer to be known as a glamour model?“Personally I don’t mind being called a porn star but to me a “Porn Star” is a girl who is doing boy/girl scenes. But the average person, outside of the industry, would probably think that a girl that just poses naked is a porn star. My neighbours think I’m a porn star and my Mum thinks I’m a model (Laughing). It’s a sexy thing to be a porn star!”These days you have websites, you produce dvds and you’re a firm favourite of both the adult tv stations and adult magazines which pretty much covers everything in this business. Have you got anything left that you’d like to achieve?“I think I’ve done well and I’m very happy with my situation and I don’t think I could do any more really mainly because I don’t have the time. I also work as an agent for a lot of Hungarian models and that’s a big job too with a lot of work.”In case people reading this don’t know much about you aside from Sandy the model tell us a bit more about Sandy the businesswoman.“21Sextury.Com is my company and we have lots of websites but I’m personally involved in three of them; my official site,, a foot fetish site that we just launched which is and which is all about (Giggling) ass-fucking! It’s a very hardcore boy/girl site.”You seem to be very approachable to your fans either via your site or through your appearances at the industry shows and exhibitions. Does anybody ever overstep the mark and become a problem or, even worse, a stalker?“I was surprised at how cool and nice the guys were at the shows and I’ve never had a problem with them. Obviously I get guys who write to me with stuff like (Adopts laddish tone), “I wanna fuck you” and all that which is ok but most of them are just so nice, they tell me their fantasies and they tell me what they want to see me doing in my sets.I’ve never had a bad experience, there was a pretty funny situation once. My parents live in the USA and a guy turned up at their house asking if I was there so my Mum explained that I had been there a week or so ago but that I’d since gone back to Hungary and this guy stood there for a moment and then said, “Oh ok, is Sophie Moone in?” This guy thought we all lived together in a big house just making love all day long! It would be nice but it’s not like that unfortunately.”Having looked at the Guestbook part of your site it would appear that you have a lot of girl fans too.“Yes, I think it’s fair to say that girls love me (Laughing). If I go out to nightclubs and bars I always get girls coming onto me, they just like me and want to have sex with me. I like girls too so I’m sure they pick up on that and feel that.”Is it common for well-known models and porn stars to have a big female following or is it pretty rare?“I don’t know about any other models just that I have a lot of female fans which is a cool thing. When I’m signing autographs at the shows I like to see the guys but when a girl comes up it’s (Laughing) you know…special!”Have you ever become disenchanted with the business and quit for a while or considered doing something else?“I never quit but I have bad days and times when I think I don’t want to do this anymore or I’m getting old and all these kind of things. I don’t think I could quit because I still love it but I do get tired and need some time off but I still enjoy it so much.”I know a lot of models have taken a few months or even a year out.“No, I never did that. If I’ve had enough I just stop for a week or go for a holiday.”So you never considered another career“(Smiling) I think I was born to do this.”How much longer do you think we’ll be seeing you for?“It depends on my fans. I always say that I’d finish when my pussy hair goes grey…(Laughing) although I could always shave it off! I don’t know really, maybe two or three more years. I don’t want to be some ridiculous woman whom everyone thinks should stop and I’m the only one who can’t see it.”What do you do when you’re not working?“I work out and I do all the usual things that girls do when they have a day off like go to the beauty salon and go to my hair stylist. I go shopping, I love theatre, I like concerts.”Which aspects of your varied career do you enjoy the most; managing the business aspects, organising shoots of other models for your sites and dvds or being a model in front of the camera?“It depends on my mood. Basically I enjoy it all but I enjoy modelling the most.”Are you ever tempted to go onto the Internet, onto fan sites and forums, to read stuff about yourself?“Yes…sometimes. I go on forums and write something for my fans and it’s very nice to read their comments on me. It’s fun, I like to do that.”Do you think it has caused any jealousy or resentment amongst other models or people in general that you’ve become successful?“Maybe but I’ve not experienced it to my face.”Which models do you most enjoy shooting with”“Sophie Moone. She’s my all-time favourite. The way she moves is the same as the way I move so we are very good together, her body and expressions are similar to mine. We work together very well and she’s a very good fuck (Laughing). We really enjoy working, we’re really having sex and I’m sure that when people see the pictures or videos of us they can tell that it’s not work, we’re really having a good time together.The other girls are (Fellow Hungarian blonde uber babe) Bridgett, she’s very good, and Clara G” (A new face on the Budapest porn scene who I’m sure we’ll see a whole lot more of!).Are there different models you enjoy working with as a producer?“It’s the same models!”So what makes a good model?“Some girls think that because they’re pretty or cute that’s enough but it’s not enough. A glamour model has to be very sexy and she has to have a “Sparkle.” She has to look after herself, she has to have nice hair, nice nails, she has to work out so she has a nice, tight body and she has to buy new clothes all the time for the shoots. She has to be on time, she has to be reliable. I want to shoot with a model who will be on time and who I can trust to be perfect. She also to move very well in front of the camera and she has to put effort in. She can’t just work for the money and can’t wait to be finished, she really has to enjoy it.”So assuming you discovered a model that looks absolutely stunning but she was a big head and kept being late for jobs. You wouldn’t work with a girl like that?“You know it’s strange because the girls who are the good models with the nice clothes and everything, these girls are the ones who are good in EVERY way. Everything seems to come together…the full package.”Are there any models left whom you’ve not worked with who you really would like to?“I can certainly name two. One is Silvia Saint and the other is Jenna Jameson but I’m not sure if I’ll ever get the chance to work with Jenna. It will probably happen with Silvia Saint.”Do you think that as a successful woman in the porn business you go some way to counter the perception of the porn’ business as sleazy and exploitative?“To be honest I don’t have anything to prove to anybody because I’m very happy the way I am. If people think the porn business is bad then I’ve no time for them because there are SO many things in the world which are much worse but I don’t want to get into politics.Having sex is a natural thing, everybody does it and everybody looks at porn’ websites and if people have a problem with sex then (Annoyed)...I don’t want to talk to these kind of people.”I will never be forgiven if I don’t ask you the big question. Do you think you’ll ever shoot any hardcore boy/girl scenes?“Probably. I’m not sure but I can’t say no for definite. I’m thinking about it.”Finally, to round things off, if you could go back and give some advice to the rookie Sandy on her first ever shoot in Spain what would it be?“Oh let me think about it. I can’t think of anything I particularly fucked up. Maybe go to the gym’ more often (Laughing) otherwise you’ll be in trouble five years later!”