FetClip102 - Fetish Diva Nadja
<br /> - Today you see me in an elegant leather outfit. I wear my new black bangle fishtail hump leather skirt, a very tightly made leather corset with pectoral zippers and a luxurious leather bolero. I wear fishnet stockings and a metallic colored pumps with 15cm stiletto heels. In this tight leather skirt really only very small steps are possible. Private fetish clip No.102: Today you see me wearing my new luxury leather outfit.I'm dressed in a luxury high waisted skintight black fishtail humble leatherskirt, an absolutely strict laced leather corset with a chest zipper and a luxurious leather bolero.Also i black fishnet stockings and a silver metallic colored pumps with 6inch high stiletto heels.This skintight leatherskirt are really only small steps possible. <br /> - Heute seht ihr mich in einem eleganten Lederoutfit.Ich trage meinen neuen knallengen schwarzen fishtail Humpellederrock,ein absolut streng geschn rtes Lederkorsett mit Brustzippern und einen luxuri sen Lederbolero. Dazu trage ich Netzstr mpfe und einen metalicfarbenen Pumps mit 15cm hohen Stilettoabsatz. In diesem knallengen Lederrock sind wirklich nur ganz kleine Schritte m glich. Private fetish clip No.102: Today you see me wearing my new luxury leather outfit.I'm dressed in an luxury high waisted skintight black fishtail humble leatherskirt,an absolutely strict laced leather corset with chest zipper and a luxurious leather bolero.Also i wear fishnet stockings and a silvermetalic colored pumps with 6inch high stiletto heels.In this skintight leatherskirt are really only very small steps possible.